>>Amazon 売れ筋ランキング「Nintendo Switch」最新はこちら。
>>ギア・クラブ アンリミテッドを2ヶ月プレイしたレビュー

- 全マップの初期画面を録画
- 目視でEXCELにて集計
- ZONEとPIによりソート
「A Dam Family」など、思わずくすっとしてしまうコース名もあり、丸2日かかりましたが楽しかったです。
~ Stars Zone というのは、レースをクリアしていくと開かれる順です。PI順やカテゴリーごとに掲載する方法も考えましたが、プレイヤーが体験する順番が良いかと思いこうしました。
こうして見ますと、比例して賞金が上がるわけではないので、賞金稼ぎしやすいポイントも見つかるかと思います。A1の頃は、「Solmanero Tour」でひたすらリトライして稼ぐのが良さそう。
レースは401なんですが、コースとしては結構重複があって全コース156でした。一番多く利用されていたコースは San Morraでした。


- カテゴリーA1
- 選手権:High Village
- 推奨PI:119
- レース:Top Of The Town
- 賞金:6400
中盤はだんだんとチューンナップにもお金がかかり始めます。しかし★40でアンロックされる選手権「Rock and Sand」の「Ghost Valley」では、推奨PI201ですが、なんと320倍もの賞金がもらえます。
- カテゴリーB
- 選手権:Rock and Sand
- 推奨PI:201
- レース:Ghost Valley
- 賞金:64400
とにかくお金稼ぎしたい!という場合は、最も賞金額の多い「Waterfall Descent」の「La Costanet」がおすすめ。最終ゾーンのカテゴリーDで、賞金額は最高の437500です。推奨PIも363なのでお高めですがぜひ。
- カテゴリーD
- 選手権:Waterfall Descent
- 推奨PI:363
- レース:La Costanet
- 賞金:437500
ただ、同じカテゴリーDでも、Golden BridgeのEsparringは、推奨PI294で、332500もらえるのでコスパは最強かと思います。レース時間も1分40秒くらいなので、効率的です。
A1「Dream Coast」101
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Beach Trip |
1905 |
Fisher Village |
2390 |
Sheltered Docks |
3200 |
A1「High Village」119
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Sunny Riviera |
5190 |
Old Harbour |
5600 |
Wolves Valley |
6000 |
Top Of The Town |
6400 |
Solmanero Tour |
9100 |
A2「Countryside Tour」136
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Wolves Valley |
2390 |
Cliffside Run |
2605 |
Top Of The Town |
2800 |
Pass Village |
2985 |
Solmanero Tour |
4200 |
A2「Back to the Bay」154
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Mountain Road |
6805 |
Sheltered Docks |
7590 |
Fisher Village |
8290 |
Beach Trip |
11200 |
A「Nature Trail」115
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Pilgrims Peak |
r |
6485 |
Watchtower |
r |
7885 |
Dream Bay |
r |
10900 |
A1「Sun Monastery」149
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Pilgrims Path |
7100 |
Waterfall |
7885 |
Stargazers Promenade |
r |
8585 |
Mittlack Ride |
11600 |
A「Sunny Mountains」163
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Six Bends |
9285 |
Stony Gorge |
9985 |
Pilgrims Peak |
r |
10685 |
Long Slope |
11385 |
Mittlack Ride |
16100 |
A2「High Plateau」169
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Twin Villages |
9690 |
Grand Tour |
10200 |
Waterfall |
10685 |
Watchtower |
r |
11300 |
Six Bends |
11790 |
Dream Bay |
r |
16200 |
B「The Pilgrim’s Trail」227
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Thermal Source |
r |
23390 |
Pilgrims Path |
24685 |
Long Slope |
26000 |
Narrow Gorge |
27190 |
Stony Gorge |
28505 |
Mittlack Ride |
39200 |
A1「Brave Tourist」175
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Dry Pit |
8585 |
Sand Slide |
9605 |
Red Ring |
10600 |
Ghost Valley |
14185 |
B1「Canyon Challenge」180
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Over The Top |
8100 |
Canyon Ride |
8690 |
Sandy Horizon |
r |
9285 |
Cliffside Village |
9900 |
Ghost Valley |
14000 |
A2「Forsaken Wasteland」188
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Sandy Horizon |
r |
11600 |
Cliffside Village |
12490 |
Oasis Resort |
13300 |
Big Rock Loop |
14185 |
Ghost Valley |
20105 |
B「Rock and Sand」201
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Red Ring |
37285 |
Sand Slide |
r |
40000 |
Dry Pit |
42800 |
Sandy Horizon |
r |
45500 |
Ghost Valley |
64400 |
A3「Happy Windmill」142
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
St Christopher Path |
9100 |
Signal Loss |
r |
9800 |
Lighthouse Pass |
10500 |
Coastline Trip |
11090 |
Dream Bay |
r |
15800 |
A「Seashore Tour」187
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Podgy Road |
r |
11900 |
Carvestone Village |
12600 |
Ponds Road |
13190 |
Cliffside Delta |
13890 |
Beach Shore Run |
14590 |
Beach Walk |
20000 |
A2「Summer Coast」200
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Coastline Trip |
13485 |
St Christopher Abbey |
14505 |
St Christopher Path |
15500 |
Podgy Road |
r |
16500 |
Beach Walk |
23390 |
B1「Spa Resort」210
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Beach Shore Run |
11490 |
St Christopher Path |
12785 |
Signal Loss |
r |
14100 |
Beach Walk |
18900 |
B「Coral Delta」248
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Ponds Road |
21000 |
Podgy Road |
r |
22585 |
St Christopher Abbey |
24200 |
Lighthouse Pass |
25705 |
Beach Walk |
36400 |
A3「Shamgreeve Derby」160
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
The Witchs Nose Rock |
12405 |
Shamgreeve Pasture |
13105 |
Shamgreeve Village |
13805 |
Shamgreeve Fields |
14505 |
Cornfields Roads |
r |
15205 |
Filibrath Fields |
r |
20805 |
A「Moutfled Fields Cup」201
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
River Laces |
14185 |
The Witchs Nose Rock |
14990 |
Goldfield Hills |
15800 |
Clover Hills |
r |
16605 |
Cornfields Road |
r |
17390 |
Filibrath Fields |
r |
23900 |
B2「Traverse the Moutfled」217
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Goldfield Hills |
16390 |
Shamgreeve Fields |
17600 |
Cornfields Roads |
r |
18790 |
River Laces |
20000 |
Filibrath Fields |
r |
28400 |
B1「The Witch Hunt」238
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Clover Hills |
r |
15500 |
Shamgreeve Pasture |
16605 |
The Witchs Nose Rock |
17790 |
Shamgreeve Village |
18900 |
Filibrath Fields |
r |
26700 |
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Shamgreeve Fields |
23605 |
Clover Hills |
r |
24900 |
Goldfield Hills |
26190 |
Shamgreeve Pasture |
27485 |
Shamgreeve Village |
28800 |
Filibrath Fields |
r |
39600 |
A3「Three Village」175
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Straits Stronghold |
14885 |
Winding Slope |
15990 |
Smugglers Gate |
17090 |
Rogues Trail |
r |
18200 |
Duchess Drive |
25790 |
A1「Duke Eternal」198
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Smugglers Gate |
10090 |
Rogues Trail |
r |
10900 |
Long coastline |
11600 |
Fox Crest |
12405 |
Duchess Drive |
17500 |
A2「Tourist Spa Trip」214
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Winding Slope |
15205 |
Sunny Beach |
16900 |
Royal Ambush |
r |
18600 |
Duchess Drive |
25005 |
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Receiver Island |
21185 |
Rogues Trail |
r |
22800 |
Long coastline |
24390 |
Hills Rally |
25900 |
Duchess Drive |
36690 |
B2「Fleeing the Flood」195
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Hidden Valley |
11790 |
Vertigo |
12700 |
Mad Cowboy |
13590 |
Crash Site |
r |
14505 |
San Morra |
20485 |
A3「Uncharted Endings」196
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Crash Site |
r |
17685 |
Twilight Gorge |
19000 |
Mad Cowboy |
20300 |
The Crash |
21590 |
San Morra |
30500 |
B1「Area 08」256
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
The Crash |
19700 |
Ancient Civilization |
21185 |
Crash Site |
r |
22585 |
Hidden Valley |
24090 |
San Morra |
34105 |
C「First Contact」271
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Unknown Signal |
54190 |
Hidden Valley |
57205 |
The Crash |
60200 |
Vertigo |
63290 |
Twilight Gorge |
66305 |
Ghost Valley |
91000 |
B「Dirt’n Dust」275
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Ancient Civilization |
27105 |
Heavens Door |
r |
30100 |
Unknown Signal |
33190 |
San Morra |
44500 |
C1「Volcano Ride」233
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Volcano Criffs |
65100 |
Volcano Villages |
69890 |
Cape North |
74705 |
Flooded Crater |
79605 |
Atlantic Highway |
112505 |
C「Volcano Expedition」246
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Volcano Coastline |
102900 |
Volcano Slope |
114285 |
Flooded Crater |
125805 |
Atlantic Highway |
168990 |
C3「Along The Crater」289
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Cape North |
48105 |
Volcano Coastline |
51690 |
Flooded Crater |
55190 |
Volcano Criffs |
58800 |
Atlantic Highway |
83190 |
D「Sleeping Volcano」321
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Vocano Villages |
84990 |
Cape North |
91290 |
Volcano Slope |
97590 |
Volcano Coastline |
103890 |
Atlantic Highway |
146890 |
B3「Tidal Wave」197
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Archimedes Dam |
47785 |
Old Dam Road |
r |
53200 |
Flood Gates |
58500 |
The Great Dam |
78500 |
A3「Prehistoric Loop」215
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Calm Rivers |
20400 |
Water Source |
21885 |
Riverbed |
23390 |
Immersed Village |
r |
24900 |
The Great Dam |
35185 |
B2「Down the Dam」254
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Flood Gates |
26490 |
Backwater |
28505 |
A Dams Family |
30390 |
Old Dam Road |
r |
32385 |
The Great Dam |
45790 |
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Water Process |
24305 |
Archimedes Dam |
26085 |
Backwater |
27890 |
Immersed Village |
r |
29690 |
The Great Dam |
42000 |
B「Rocks’n Tumbleweed」286
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Water Source |
34105 |
Calm Rivers |
35885 |
Backwater |
37800 |
A Dams Family |
39705 |
Old Dam Road |
r |
41590 |
The Great Dam |
57100 |
B3「Pilgrim Ascent」223
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Fisher Retirement |
r |
28505 |
Old Caves |
30605 |
Devils Jaw |
32705 |
Wild Hike |
34805 |
Angus Domain |
49185 |
A3「Brief Escape」227
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Wild Hike |
22800 |
Angus Hunting Lodge |
25385 |
Fisher Retirement |
r |
27890 |
Angus Domain |
37500 |
C1「Boadicee Odyssey」261
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Angus Nest |
31090 |
Angus Hunting Lodge |
33405 |
Devils Jaw |
35700 |
Picts Fortress |
37985 |
Angus Domain |
53705 |
C2「Angus Trails」280
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Angus Hunting Lodge |
43585 |
Old Caves |
46005 |
Angus Nest |
48400 |
Wild Hike |
50905 |
Highland Ballad |
53300 |
Angus Domain |
73200 |
C「Cursed Descent」292
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Devils Jaw |
47300 |
Picts Fortress |
50800 |
Highland Ballad |
54300 |
Old Caves |
57800 |
Angus Domain |
81790 |
B「Picts Trek」296
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Highland Ballad |
40405 |
Picts Fortress |
43400 |
Angus Nest |
46385 |
Fisher Retirement |
r |
49400 |
Skyloch |
69890 |
A「Cliff & Lake」211
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Delta West |
16100 |
The Pirate Bay |
17305 |
Fertile Valley |
18490 |
River Shore |
r |
19700 |
Malezon |
27890 |
B3「Descent of the Caravan」248
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Crows Hill |
33190 |
Boulder Cliff |
35700 |
River Shore |
r |
38200 |
Village Bridge |
40600 |
Malezon |
57400 |
C2「The Vale Descent」259
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Village Bridge |
91185 |
Delta West |
96300 |
The Pirate Bay |
101390 |
Mole Tunnels |
106400 |
River Ride |
111485 |
Duchess Drive |
153105 |
B2「Salmon Lake」267
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Boulder Cliff |
32200 |
Crows Hill |
34590 |
Rocking Trail |
r |
36905 |
Fertile Valley |
39300 |
Malezon |
55590 |
C1「Buccaneer Escape」289
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Mole Tunnels |
35505 |
Village Bridge |
39385 |
The Pirate Bay |
43290 |
Solmanero Tour |
58200 |
C「Hill Climb」308
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
The Pirate Bay |
55485 |
Fertile Valley |
59600 |
Crows Hill |
63700 |
River Ride |
67790 |
Malezon |
95900 |
D「Green Delta」328
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Fertile Valley |
102790 |
Mole Tunnels |
114200 |
Crows Hill |
125590 |
Malezon |
168800 |
A2「Fury Road」225
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Twin Faults |
16985 |
Earthquake Hazards |
18300 |
Rock Detour |
19490 |
Temple Ruins |
20805 |
Esparring |
29400 |
A3「Back and Forth」236
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Temple Of Doom |
25490 |
Sand Storm |
27400 |
Temple Ruins |
r |
29290 |
Twin Faults |
31200 |
Esparring |
44100 |
B3「Gold Rush」272
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Earthquake Hazards |
45390 |
Ravine Run |
r |
48700 |
Desert Paradise |
52090 |
Temple Of Doom |
55485 |
Esparring |
78400 |
B2「The Breach」282
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Black Gold |
37900 |
Earthquake Hazards |
42100 |
Ravine Run |
r |
46300 |
Esparring |
62190 |
D1「Desert Caravan」289
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Sand & Dust |
96490 |
Sand Storm |
107200 |
Twin Faults |
117890 |
San Morra |
158385 |
D「Golden Bridge」294
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Rock Detour |
192390 |
Black Gold |
206600 |
Sand & Dust |
220900 |
Temple Of Doom |
235090 |
Esparring |
332500 |
C2「Sand Wind」304
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Sand Storm |
48590 |
Sand & Dust |
53900 |
Black Gold |
59305 |
Esparring |
79690 |
C3「In the Mood for Foggy」261
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Allan Vanguard |
100690 |
Frang Citadel |
108200 |
Kronborg Ruins |
115685 |
Shore Town |
123090 |
Skyloch |
174105 |
D「Soldiers Patrol」309
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Kronborg Ruins |
93900 |
Frang Citadel |
104300 |
Greybeard Mount |
114800 |
Skyloch |
154185 |
C3「Priest Journey」326
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Greybeard Mount |
81300 |
Malcolm Haven |
87305 |
Kronborg Ruins |
93285 |
Shore Town |
99290 |
Skyloch |
140505 |
C「Queen Anne Ballad」334
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Shore Town |
95200 |
Frang Citadel |
102300 |
Malcolm Haven |
109300 |
Allan Vanguard |
116385 |
Skyloch |
164600 |
B3「Hot Waters」285
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Canyon Tour |
61490 |
Great Oasis |
68300 |
Troglodyte River |
r |
75190 |
San Morra |
100985 |
C1「Dry Spell」307
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Old Bones |
53790 |
Great Oasis |
56800 |
The Bridge |
59790 |
Canyon Tour |
62700 |
Gun Fights |
65690 |
Copernica |
90300 |
C3「Gone With The Wind」312
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Gun Fights |
55300 |
The Bridge |
59390 |
Sanity Forgotten |
63505 |
Troglodyte Megalopolis |
67600 |
Copernica |
95600 |
D1「Burnt Mesa」315
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
River Bank |
45305 |
Old Bones |
50400 |
Troglodyte Megalopolis |
55400 |
Copernica |
74385 |
C2「Observatory Tour」320
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
The Bridge |
71905 |
Sanity Forgotten |
77185 |
Old Bones |
82490 |
Hollow Mountain |
87900 |
Copernica |
124300 |
C「Western Trip」322
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Sanity Forgotten |
72200 |
Great Oasis |
77590 |
Troglodyte Megalopolis |
82890 |
Hollow Mountain |
88300 |
Copernica |
124785 |
D「Oasis Paradise」340
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Great Oasis |
143790 |
Old Bones |
151790 |
Hollow Mountain |
159785 |
River Bank |
167805 |
Canyon Tour |
175800 |
San Morra |
241305 |
D1「Hazardous Challenge」357
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Troglodyte Megalopolis |
125400 |
River Bank |
139400 |
Gun Fights |
153300 |
Copernica |
205900 |
A「Bird Reserve」223
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Shoreline |
r |
18090 |
Eagles Point |
20105 |
Bird Of Prey |
22100 |
La Costanet |
29690 |
C1「Pure Stream」320
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Eagles Drop |
77000 |
Cliff Highway |
82700 |
Hummingbird Sanctuary |
88385 |
Buzzards Cliff |
94090 |
Mittlack Ride |
133000 |
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Duck Pond |
48590 |
Birds Meadow |
r |
52200 |
Eagles Drop |
55805 |
Hummingbird Sanctuary |
59390 |
Dream Bay |
r |
84000 |
C2「Wing Slide」333
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Buzzards Cliff |
107800 |
Hummingbird Sanctuary |
113800 |
Bird Of Prey |
119800 |
Cliff Highway |
125805 |
Eagles Drop |
131785 |
La Costanet |
181000 |
D1「Bird Watch」334
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Eagles Point |
72285 |
Bird Of Prey |
77590 |
Eagles Drop |
83000 |
Lake Descent |
88300 |
La Costanet |
124890 |
C3「Owl’s Lair」340
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Hummingbird Sanctuary |
119100 |
Bird Of Prey |
127905 |
Lake Descent |
136685 |
Duck Pond |
145490 |
Mittlack Ride |
205800 |
C「Raptor Paradise」344
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Bird Of Prey |
123090 |
Buzzards Cliff |
132190 |
Duck Pond |
141400 |
Lake Descent |
150500 |
La Costanet |
212800 |
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Cliff Highway |
195805 |
Eagles Drop |
206600 |
Lake Descent |
217505 |
Eagles Point |
228385 |
Buzzards Cliff |
239290 |
Mittlack Ride |
328485 |
D「Waterfall Descent」363
Course Name |
Rarry |
Money |
Lake Descent |
253100 |
Eagles Drop |
271890 |
Buzzards Cliff |
290600 |
Duck Pond |
309400 |
La Costanet |
437500 |

>>【話題】『ギア・クラブ アンリミテッド』が気になるんだが……プレイした感想を教えてくれえええ!! | ニンテンドースイッチ速報
>>元アタリジャパンCOOによる新会社3goo,Switch「ギア・クラブ アンリミテッド」を12月,PS4「ATV ドリフト&トリックス」を2018年1月に発売 – 4Gamer.net
>>『ギア・クラブ アンリミテッド』:Nintendo Switchでリアルレーシング!
>>「ギア・クラブ アンリミテッド」,新たなPVや収録車種を公開 – 4Gamer.net
・ ・ ・ ・ ・

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