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Earthquake happened in Japan ,Tsunami damage.地震で起きたこと・まとめ

March 11, an earthquake occurred around 14:46 JST.Japanese news. The state of the Internet.

1.TV news …around 17:00

Aomori Prefecture, Hachinohe Port.Tsunami…

Chiba, Ichihara. There petrochemical complex.

Ibaraki prefecture, county Higashiibaraki town Ooarai.The earthquake caused a tsunami.

And on the trains to stop blackouts in many areas.Earthquke… in Japan.

2.Internet …around 17:00

Pixiv (Illustration famous SNS) was down temporarily.(Has now recovered.)

Japan, Google search results brought by the earthquake information.
(日本のGoogleは、地震情報を検索結果に表示させました。 )

The average price dropped.

Many people saw the broadcast at UST.Relay in Japan, more than 20,000 people are rarely broadcast.

Japan Earthquake, Twitter has also attracted attention.World,US,UK,France,Singapore.


Japan Meteorological Agency | Earthquake Information
USTREAM: Japan Tsunami Earthquake: NHK LIVE.
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